Popular myths about esports
Although esports sports have long been a successful legal activity, there are still many myths surrounding it.
Alex always wanted to be an athlete — as a teenager, he took up football seriously and had hopes of becoming a professional player. However, during a training session, he suffered a serious leg injury, which ruined his hopes of becoming a big sportsman. A surgery and a long rehabilitation period cut him off from the world for a while.
He recalls being confined to his house for six months at a time. His only recreation was playing computer games. That was the start of his professional career in cybersport.
Esports and usual sports similarities
He refutes the myth that eSports players sit in front of their computers 24 hours a day and spend their time doing nothing but playing. Like other familiar sports, cybersport is all about discipline and planning your time for socializing, studying, relaxing, and love. It is the only way to be successful.
And that is what should be explained to young players just starting in e-sports. After all, virtual sport is not just a game, it is a full-fledged sport with coaches, tournaments, fans, victories, and defeats. It is not without reason that more and more countries, among them Ukraine, recognize e-sports on a par with analog ones.
So, in parallel with the training on the computer, you must train your body.
He advises getting accustomed to physical training from a young age, and better yet, choose one sport as a hobby. For example, the hero of the story jogs every morning. He’s convinced that a fit body also helps with cycling.
Popular myths about esports
The speaker points out that cybersport has many perks that will help in life. For example, it boosts a person’s communication skills because it is a team activity.
Among the most common myths are the rather absurd ones that people believe. recalls telling his wife-to-be about his passion for cybersports. The girl was at first convinced that this field was something like slot machines in an underground casino or esports betting that the player was an addict. After all, there is a myth that people can easily get ‘addicted to video games.
Nowadays, young people who want to get involved in e-sports have many opportunities to prove themselves in this field and succeed.
In the past, players competed against each other, but often it was only through sheer luck that they got noticed by the leagues and were offered a shot at professional cybersports. Now the industry is so far advanced that there are already cyber academies where newcomers are trained. This means that digital sport is building itself up to the same structure as the various leagues that football, basketball or other conventional sports have.
Social cybersport
Cybersports can be an excellent tool for socializing children with special needs.
For example, e-sports is good to combine with various programs when working with children who have autism spectrum disorders. develops such social cybersports.
The coaches also take into account that they have special pupils in front of them.
And so, in addition to imparting the skills of the game, coaches can also build an emotional rapport with the pet by gradually introducing new information, helping them overcome difficulties and the like.
UPEA notes that this is only the first step for the development of social cybersports in the country, but they would like such children to have the opportunity to become part of this world.
Perhaps in the future, they will hold entire tournaments in Ukraine for players with disabilities.
Originally published at https://www.wantedly.com.